Weather reports said chance of showers, but my ride in was just mega clouds, gusty southerly wind and maybe some mist. I was able to keep the pace a little slower, so I would not get quite so warm and sweaty, seems to be getting harder to do that, though. My riding strength is improving and I think the nostalgia of my past "ride fast" days is percolating from memory to consciousness. Then there's that feeling . . . pedaling is comfortable, natural, not strained, the road passing by effortlessly, relaxed breathing . . . how riding should always be.
As I enjoyed that "feeling" ol' mister southerly, a bit gusty and somewhat swirly near Mt. Tabor wooshed me back to reality, trying to push me this way and that around on the road . . . okay, okay, I'll pay attention. Even with the wind, the morning was warm and pleasant for being out.
The train was moving along at a pretty good clip, so I shot this picture. The train is actually there, going by, the camera shutter speed slow enough, due to the low light, that the train is but a hint of a blur - hey, a ghost train. Once clear, I crossed down to the Eastbank Esplanade for a gentle pedal the rest of the way to work. That was a very pleasant ride as I now got to enjoy a bit of tailwind. I stopped to take a couple more pictures of downtown.
That wind gave me another rude awakening as I started on to the Steel Bridge, I was gusted very strongly. It took some very quick and agressive reactive cycling to maintain control, dang, that was some kinda wind! If I had any bit of sleep still hanging around, it was certainly gone now.
During work, I watched as there was rain, wind, sun, clouds, rain, wind, sun clouds - you get the picture. I did a final quick check on the weather before heading out to meet up with Evan after school for our ride home. Looked good, so I just put the rain pants on, for rain insurance, and just wore my lightweight fleece top and off we were.
The still southerly east wind did not seem quite as strong and the upper 50's temperature felt really nice. I took a couple of parting shots of downtown Portland, before heading away from the Willamette River toward NE Portland.
A nice afternoon to be out on the bike, what a treat to have upper 50's . . . and dry. Seemed like a lot of people were out, escaping the dark walled-in confines of the office building, like a horde of punxsutawney phil's, peaking their heads out, seeing if it was finally safe to venture out from hibernation.
A nice, easy paced ride for Evan and I, focusing on chatting and catching up rather than on power and speed. The distance and time melt away as we ride and before I know it, we are home.