Tuesday, March 1, 2011

One Rude Driver, Rainy Morning, Dry and Pleasant Finish

No torrential downpour, but steady rain for this morning's commute. In preparation I selected my ride gear - lycra leggings, wool socks, shoe booties, Goretex gloves, rain jacket and my standard rain pants. Then I packed up my work pants and sweater along with my purse into my backpack.

Ready, set, go. Not too chilly, just wet. I decided to stay on SE Division St. until my cut-over through Ladd's Addition (SE 21st Ave.). For the most part, the driver's were "friendly" giving me reasonable passing distance. I did notice that many seem to cut in a bit early, not seeming to realize just how close they were coming back over. Darn good thing I ride in out in the lane.

I had one driver as I rode through the left-right jog at about 41st honk at me from behind. I guess they figured I should be way to the right. A post event thought was I should have slowed down. Funny thing is, there were about 6 cars at the red light at SE 39th Ave. (oh, wait, it is now Cesar Chavez Blvd.), so I just rode on up to the intersection, yep, right past the same car that honked at me - hahaha.

The rest of the ride went smoothly and I felt good strength-wise. I continue to test by using my 36x17 gear combo - how are the inclines in that gear, am I starting to overly spin out, that sort of thing. I did make a stop under the Hawthorne Bridge to take a morning rain picture (that's it up at the beginning of this blog entry). Hard to capture rain with this pocket camera.

This evening's ride home was very enjoyable -- it was dry, the sun was out. I tried to be a little artsy and capture a bit more dark, shadowy look of the Steel Bridge and downtown. I took this just after I crossed the Steel Bridge.
Back on the ride the effort felt good. I always enjoy riding down to SE Clay St., because it is often backed up from MLK back to the railroad tracks (2-1/2 blocks) and I get to ride up the hill past the cars to the intersection.

My hill climbing is not super strong, will have to work on the quads, I guess, but they are getting there. Less out of oxygen as I climbed the last, steepest part of Lincoln (Harrison becomes Lincoln at about 26th), just before SE 60th, then I actually climbed Mt. Tabor route (Lincoln ends into the park) in my middle chain ring rather than dropping into my smallest chain ring - yippee!

Feels good, I am still at 100% bike commuting, 535.43 miles, saving me about 60 some dollars in gas. I wonder when you get to call yourself a full-time bike commuter? Do you think there is a qualification based on time? Funny, we've only been in our new building for 2 months and it feels like I have been biking in much longer, feels, normal.

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