So, the whine is, "I am so tired of riding in the rain!" Evan agreed. I mean, really, would some dry really hurt?
Of course, then come Monday, we get our sunny day ride! While at a stop I asked Evan, "Do you feel faster when it is nice out?" He just smiled.
I think I noticed more people smiling today. Certainly more people out, cannot really blame them either. This grey, wet stuff has kept people hibernating a bit longer this year.
This was a morning I definitely could have just kept riding, taking in just how wonderful this sunny weather is. Must be the Leo in me.
Today, I had to make a slight detour from my Harrison/Lincoln hill climb to stop at a couple of stores on Division St. Through Ladd's Addition I rode over to SE Clinton. Now, I have not ridden on Clinton for a long time, definitely way before I started riding daily for commuting. My memory was even Clinton had its climbs. Was I ever surprised at how much less climbing there was compared to Harrison/Lincoln, especially now that I have more miles on my legs and lungs. Nice, I now know if I am feeling overly tired I can take Clinton for relief. I still like my Harrison/Lincoln route, it is more direct and I just like that neighborhood riding better.
Over the weekend while doing some bike maintenance, both Evan's and mine, I made some aesthetic and performance improvements on the SUB. Since moving my shift levers, the cable routing has annoyed me a bit. The cables just looked dorky, to me. I am all about aesthetics as long as safety and function are not compromised.

I also learned more about getting the most out of my center-pull brakes - thanks Sheldon Brown! So far they feel much better stopping wise in relation to how hard I pull on the levers.
Since I am happy, happy about the new shift lever position, I decided it was time to clean up the too long cable housings. So I shortened them up and I think it is a much cleaner look.
Now the cables do not run way out past the light. The other change, you will notice, is I have updated how I mount the headlight. The Ram mount I was using just always seemed bulky looking. Since the stem is pretty crowded with the shifters, I did a little redesign to help clean up the look a bit. I was looking for a solution that was clean, simple and sturdy. I also wanted to be able to use the factory handlebar mount for the light, in case I would like to put it on the road bike occassionally. To do this new mounting was why I made my detour stops this afternoon.
The mount is made up of my original clamp on the stem, 2 pieces of flat aluminum, a short piece of 3/4" aluminum tubing and two rubber bar end plugs. This has less vibration than the Ram mount, is more easily adjusted and also looks good aesthetically.
The SUB has given me a wonderful project to design, create, be innovative and make a fun riding, nice looking everyday commuter bike. Art in the everyday.
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