Well, the title says it all, it was raining both to school and work and returning home in the evening. Even so, I stopped inbound on the Steel Bridge and took this shot - grey, very wet. At least it was not cold, except my hands, gloveless, got a bit chilled. A few hand and finger stretches and movement worked the chill out while I waited at red lights (yep, I do stop at red lights, I'm one of those people).
The daily riding is making a difference in my riding strength. I decided to ride in single gear mode, my 38 x 17 combination, in both directions today. Since going inbound is mostly flat and downhill, the morning commute was very comfortable and was basically a nice cruise.
I have to say Evan's riding style is looking great. He has a pretty good cadence and is pretty smooth. Plus, he is getting some traffic experience and I've got him not riding too much to the right so he is more visible to moving vehicles and gives him an escape path, plus he has more reaction time for parked cars - door openings, pulling out, that sort of thing. I have to keep giving him credit for his commitment to biking the 4.5 miles between home and school. Since January, I've driven him just once due to still recovering from being sick, so kudo's for sure.
My single gearing ride home went amazingly well. I felt good and had enough energy and lungs to manage the standing climb up the steeper sections, which were not as hard as I thought they might be. Cool. Nope, no thoughts of converting to an actual single speed, I like my gears and there are much steeper challenges yet to come, I am sure of that.
I sure hope there a more dry days in the coming months, I am getting a bit tired of just rain riding.
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