Sunday, June 5, 2011

Miss My Commute Along the Esplanade

Tuesday afternoon (5/31) the floating section of the Eastbank Esplanade was closed until the Willamette recedes some. The approach ramp is so much higher than the approach section that it was causing many to either get off their bike and walk or they crashed attempting to ride up the ramp. Fortunately, I was able to pass through in the morning as you can see by the picture above. I actually rode up that thing!

I guess it was inevitable since the Willamette has been relatively high all through the winter and spring, so the extra rain and snow melt had to have an affect. Notice how high the water is to the lower deck of the Steel Bridge? Even the smallest of water craft force the lower section to be raised.

Here's a closer look at the river level. You can just about reach out and touch it as you cross the lower section.

We had a little bit of every kind of weather again this week - cloudy, some downpours, partly sunny. Then, Friday came and was just about as awesome as it could get, and it seems a very long time coming. This makes, what?, like only the 4th or 5th really nice day all year?
Portland really came alive Friday! We walked out for lunch and it was people, people everywhere. Simply a gorgeous day!

Oh, I also stopped at Breakfast on the Bridges, again, to enjoy a free, fresh made donut.
What a great way to end the week on a high note. Forecast calls for rain Monday, of course. Hope you all had a great weekend and got out to savor that big golden globe.

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