Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Sunday Parkways = 36,000 Cyclists, Peds, Others

I think we are finally in summer, though we are still a bit below average temperatures. I'll take the partly, mostly, all sunny days and certainly will take the dry days. I am definitely in the rhythm of commuting, not bike commuting does not even cross my mind anymore. The morning commute continues to be my favorite time as I tend to head in earlier than the rush hour riders, which gives me time along the Esplanade to slow the pace, enjoy the quiet and settle the mind before I cross the Steel Bridge and into work.

I have started a new habit now. As I pass or others pass me I give them a verbal greeting like, "Good morning." What a difference, though I am still amazed at how many do not know how to respond. For those coming toward me, I think I sometimes see a look of "she is crazy or something" from them. But, hey, who cares, right?

We seem to continue to have our psycho weather. Would you believe the two pictures above are from the same day? The sunny left is the morning, the mega-cloudy right the afternoon. Each has their beauty, and the whole day was comfortably warm.
All the confused weather cleared away for the weekend's Sunday Parkways North Portland on Sunday, though. Amazingly, happy sunny day all day. Their estimated count is 36,000 people were out! It definitely felt it, too. Near the parks and some intersections the pace slowed to, basically, walking or inching rather. But that was cool, I so enjoyed seeing the all walks of life people out enjoying the day and the mostly car free streets for 8 miles.

One fun highlight was watching this person direct traffic through this offset intersection. She was having fun, increasing the fun of those coming through. I am glad I biked from home (18 miles roundtrip) as it would have been a challenge trying to find somewhere to park. Hopefully we will have great weather for the next parkways, but regardless, I'll be there.

So far this week we are in clouds, but that is better than the initial chance of rain/drizzle that was predicted. I have to now figure out the clothing combo for warm and drizzle/rain conditions. Homeward is less important than going into work.

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