Monday, March 14, 2011

Nice - No Rain Showers, Riding Faster

Ugh, daylight savings time. Terrible sleep last night, or is it early this morning (at least when I actually fell asleep). Woke up an hour later than my alarm, oh well. Dressed for rain, but it was actually dry, a bit cool but not bad for riding. I rode with a little higher effort this morning, not sure why, just did, I guess. It was fun to push along in my higher gears, having the feeling of speed.

Along the Eastbank Esplanade I came across some traffic, of which these two Canada Geese were a part of. I stopped to take their picture as they were grazing for breakfast.

Even with the greyness, blue sky poked out here and there. Since I was later than I wanted anyway, I stopped to take a few more pictures. This one is along the floating section of the esplanade looking toward the Steel Bridge, you can make out the Broadway Bridge (red) and way off, the Fremont Bridge.

I left around mid-day to work from home, away from distractions. I focused on another project that had been ignored due to our email migration woes. Some woes still there, but I wanted to put some time into something else.

Here's an average shot taken along a sitting area on the esplanade, looking toward the Hawthorne Bridge.

My cycle commuting has done another benefit. Listening to co-workers, their morning commutes were significantly longer this morning. There was a big motivation conference, Get Motivated, just across the river at the Oregon Convention Center. A normal commute of 40-45 minutes turned into hour and a half. Cycling, my  time was totally unaffected. Not so bad.

My hill ride back up Harrison/Lincoln was ego boosting. Not only was I using my 2nd and 3rd low gears, but the general strength feeling was great. The little climb in Mt. Tabor seemed easier and I felt more comfortable staying seated in my low gear.

Hey with all the lighter days, I may actually swap out my expensive, super bright headlight for the still bright, but smaller Dinotte front light. Will see.

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