Monday, January 17, 2011

About to Bring out the Radac Road Bike

For a possibly rainy day, it actually turned out pretty nice. Temperature was mild and the ride in, while dark, was mostly pleasant. The SW, W wind was blowing pretty good.

Rode in with basically my messenger bag just to readjust for when I ride the road bike instead of my SUB. Wasn't bad, back a little sweaty, but I also chalk that up to wearing my rain jacket, which breathes okay. Just dressed a bit warm, probably could have been fine with a fleece jacket.

The Steel Bridge picture was taken midday as I was heading out for my half day off, since Evan is out of school because it is MLK, Jr. day. (Bigger Flikr size here, Big Picture of Steel Bridge) Note the height of the Willamette flowing under the bridge. We have certainly had a lot of rain and several tributaries were at flood stage. I may have to invest in a slightly larger messenger bag, my small, which was purchased more as a large daily purse, may not be quite big enough if I am carrying my rain gear.

Hah! Finally got a picture of Evan riding. This was on the last stretch toward home. I was in front and had the camera in a pouch on my messenger bag strap. I got the camera out and shot "intuitively" (aka blindly). Not too bad. He's a strong rider, lovin' riding with him.

After an afternoon of picking up Evan's friend and doing some airsofting  in Boring, OR, we got home and I started to prep the roadie for it's maiden commute voyage, well, at least maiden to the new building. Still amazes me how light it is when I pick it up (it's about 10 pounds lighter than the unloaded SUB).

Here is the Radac, circa 1989/1990, ready to go. Notice I transferred the headlight, had to make a slight modification to the mounting arms for a just right fit and light beam adjustment. I have also put on some SKS Race Blade fenders, kinda half fenders, so will see how those go. I don't really like fenders on the road bike, but, will see.

I'm about to do some research into a different way to keep the spray down without having to do some much fender adapting. Be nice if it works out.

Well, suppose to have some more rain tomorrow, then we are actually suppose to get some sunshine, that would be really nice. Will make bike commuting even more pleasant, plus I bet there will be a lot more cyclists commuting if we do get some sunny days.

Well, stay tuned and will write about how the road bike and I did on tomorrow's commute.

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