Saturday, January 15, 2011

Appreciate My Employer's Transportation Benefits

Earl Blumenauer's Bike Commute Act Page. Being a new, regular bike commuter, I find myself searching for a variety of information. I found and read about the Bike Commute Act and it reminds me of the pretty cool benefits I have from my employer.

  • Indoor, secure bike storage -- I have to say it is pretty nice to be able to roll into somewhere dry and not worry about my bike sitting vulnerable for 8 or more hours each day.
  • Lockers and showers -- though my goal is to ride in ready to work, I know others have further to go and do appreciate being able to spruce up for the day.
  • Public transportation -- I also have a paid-for TriMet pass which I appreciate as my back up for when I absolutely cannot bike in or if I have a non-repairable emergency. Buses and our light rail, MAX, all transport bikes.
I hope more and more employers take advantage of the benefits to providing their bike commuters with any combination to provide more incentives ($20/commute month, offsetting maintainance of bike storage facilities).

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