Thursday, January 27, 2011

Spinning in the Fog - Or, How Low [of a gear] Can You Go?

Just a tad foggy this morning as Evan and I began our commute, temperature was mid-30's. Wasn't long before I had to take my glasses off because they, too, were fogged up.

We rode pretty comfortably, mostly just spinning. We've come to realize that whether we ride hard or more relaxing, it takes about the same 30 minutes. So, spinning easy and enjoying the ride was our choice.

Another successful, ride in my work clothes, except my sweater was in my bag. Used my SmartWool arm warmers under my fleece jacket and that made the temp very comfortable. We'll see about tomorrow, though, as there is a slight chance of rain, or so the report is at 10:00pm tonight.

I'll be using a new backpack that has a mesh back and the bag is actually not resting directly against the back. Will see how this feels. Of course, I am also trying not to carry everything, since I really don't need everything - you know, like car keys and that sort of stuff. Just wallet and house keys.

After going our separate ways at Evan's school, the ride was pretty normal. I did stop right before crossing the Steel Bridge to take a foggy picture. Parts almost look black and white. A train was crossing as I got there.

Knowing that I would have a long wait to cross at my normal spot, I rode a bit further south (to the left from this view) and took another street. The train was still going when I reached my building, so I was glad I took the "longer" route, at least this morning.

In the afternoon, met back up with Evan and his legs were still feeling tired. So we did a low gear, spin only ride home. I mostly stayed in my lowest gear (39x23), except for a few short stretches. Evan was in his second to lowest gearing. Time-wise, we did not take that much longer. We'll get him there. It is nice that we are close enough to have many choices in how we ride to and from.

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