Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Radac Rides Again

Today was the initial trip riding my favorite bike, Bridgestone Radac, to our new work location! In preparation, I knew it would be high chance of rain, I did add a set of SKS Race Blade fenders and I also transferred the bike lights from my SUB.

I think it was meant to be, because when I got home and was cleaning up the Radac, I noticed the SUB had another rear flat tire. Sheesh, how many is that on that tire now?

What a wonderful ride, rain and all, it has been such a long time since I rode this bike. The most recent was probably one or two commutes back in Septemeber 2010 for the Bike Commute Challenge. I had to spend a little time adjusting, it is such a different feel, basically going from a mini-van to a sports car. The partial fenders actually did a pretty good job of controlling spray, even on the seat stay area, where there was no fender coverage.

It was quite rainy, on and off all day and pretty much on during both directions. Too rainy for a decent photo op, so I'll post an earlier one. This was from the Eastbank Esplanade looking south along the Willamette River.

The Radac has higher gearing than the SUB and I could certainly tell on the way home, I did not have any "bail out" gearing. I think that is also a good thing as it will force me to get stronger.

So far, weather service says tomorrow will be dry, even partly sunny! That will be nice, get to actually enjoy the biking. Tomorrow is also the go in early, then leave early to meet up with Evan after school, then we bike home together.

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