Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Slow and Steady -- Gets Me There

A pretty nice day to be riding the bike. This morning was on the cool side, about 30 degrees out. Amazing how much lighter it is getting in the mornings. I guess my morning lights pictures will have to wait until I decide I want to get up really early now.

This was taken in the afternoon as I was leaving work.

Felt kind of slow today, I guess my muscles are all still healing and not quite up to 100% ability. Seems like everyone was passing me today. I just kept to my lower gears and not pushing too hard. Give the body some time to heal, be kind and gentle.

The hip seemed a little better today. Still cannot stand on my left heel, which is my guage at the moment. Work is pretty challenging and my work space is looking pretty crazy. I have my chair adjusted so I can almost lay flat, then put my left leg up on a rolling 2 drawer cabinet; I have a seat cushion from a broken chair that I use to kneel on, and I have a loaner laptop on top of my tall cabinet so I can stand and do my work. By the end of the day, I am pretty tired. I cannot wait to be able to just sit at my desk -- it's the small things in life.

So, I have to rant about bike headlights. What's the deal with people having their lights aimed toward what would be an auto driver? Do they not realize that is such a pain and does not do anything for their cause of being seen? Do they not understand light does not have to be aimed directly at you for you to see it? Do they think they are the only ones that matter out here, especially on a narrow MUP (multi-use path)? Makes me want to get a mega spot light with a push button switch, so I can blind those cyclists with poorly aimed headlights. Geez, give the rest of us a break?

Sure miss my drop bars, though I like having reliable brakes. Will have to take some time to test to see if I can get my drop bar brake levers to work more effectively when I am riding on the brake hoods. Either way, I so love riding the bike and getting to commute by bike gives me that opportunity without necessarily having to plan or schedule a special ride time.

Even better is riding on nice sunny days like today. Today was even better because it was meet up with Evan after school and ride home.

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