Monday, February 7, 2011

Too Many Flats!!!!!

Wow, no sooner do I get back on the SUB, ride with Evan to his school, then ride to work, then I check on the bike in the afternoon and what do I find?

The front tire is flat! The only saving grace is the fact it is sitting in the nice, warm bike storage room. I think that means the last 4 times I've ridden the SUB, I have  had a total of 6 flats.

Time to buy new tires, for sure. So, the SUB is sportin' Serfas, 26 x 1.5. Funny, the Michellin Kenda 26 x 1.5's I took off are actually wider and taller. Bad as buying clothing, each tire manufacturer interprets a relatively standard size differently.

One funny thing about these tires is they remind me of the 70's and 80's muscle cars and their raised, white lettering on the sidewalls (haha - vroom, vroom).

Oh, I suppose you noticed that the SUB now has its original flat handlebar back on. The reason I did this is because I was not highly happy with the amount of braking effort that was required with the Tektro drop-bar levers. I felt a little at risk, so I put my original bars and the original MTB brake levers back on. Much better braking feel and response.

I figure my wrists will be okay since any longer rides I'll likely use the road bike. I do need to put a longer stem on though. When I stand to pedal, the handling on the front is a bit weird to me.

Seems like quite a few more bike commuters out these days. Again, a guy passed and said, "Wow, those are some awesome lights!" Go Dinotte! Yay for my B&M headlight.

So, how's my hip/back pain? PITA! Apparently my whole pelvis is out of whack, high on the left side, forward on the right. My awesome chiropractor/accupuncturist got things moving back, but I'm going to need a few sessions. Still pinches a nerve when sitting, including driving.

It was kind of a fun excursion getting to my chiro doc. Left home with Evan by bike and we rode to his school. Then from there I decided to go ahead and ride to work. Then I walked across the street from work and hopped on our light rail, MAX, heading back east out to 102nd Avenue. From there I walked a few blocks to the doctor's office. Then I reversed the MAX ride back to work.

Looking forward to being mostly back to physical okayness, hate this current hip pain stuff, for sure.

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